Thank You buttons
I really like to hit the "Thank You" button when I download something, and I also like to make a comment at the same time. I'm not a creator type, but I appreciate all the work that goes into all the items I'm using in my game. It has become a personal pet peeve to me when I go to hit that little button next to the heart, and there are a ton more downloads compared to "Thank You"s and sometimes there are none at all.
And comments, I think that letting the creator know why I chose their stuff isn't that hard. It doesn't have to be much, just a few words, or few lines, and that person knows that all those moments spent weren't wasted.
I know in theory that there are fewer "Thank You"s and comments on certain things because maybe they are part of a set and they are given on the set page. But I wonder how many member we have and then I think again about how many "Thank You" and comments are given in comparision to that, and it makes me sad.